Valve Spring Retainer Lock

About this product

The Valve Spring Retainer Lock (#90913-03005), an essential component in the Camshaft & Valve system, plays a crucial role in the Engine-Fuel part of your Toyota vehicle. As its name suggests, this lock holds the valve spring retainer in place, allowing the camshaft to correctly operate the valves. This process promotes efficient fuel combustion, impacting the overall performance of your vehicle. Over time, the Valve Spring Retainer Lock (#90913-03005) can wear down. A worn or damaged lock can cause improper valve function, leading to potential engine damage. Therefore, regular replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended for maximum compatibility and performance. These parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Valve Spring Retainer Lock (#90913-03005) significantly contributes to the efficient functioning of the engine, thus ensuring the safety and performance of your Toyota vehicle.